Tips To Complete Your Vote By Mail Application
Complete in ink numbers (#) 1-9 on the form.
If you would like to VBM in ALL FUTURE ELECTIONS, check the first box in #1. If you want to try out VBM on a one-time basis for the next election, select “General (November).”
If you want to have your ballot sent to another address (like a second home or your college address), fill out #4.
Special note for college students: Your ballot can be mailed to your school address - but you need to remember to check your mail when it is supposed to arrive (5-6 weeks before election day). Text us at 973-559-3524 and we will send you a text reminder when to check your mailbox. ​
The email and phone number that you provide for #6 and #7 will be used by the Office of the County Clerk to contact you with any questions about your VBM application. This information will not be provided to political organizations.
Seal with tape and mail the application. No postage is necessary
That’s it! Generally, ballots are mailed out approximately 45 days before the election. Depending on when you apply, expect to receive your ballot 10-14 days after mailing your application. Should you have any questions, contact the Essex County Clerk’s office at or 973-387-7311.
Key Dates for Upcoming 2024 Elections​
Special General Election For Congress​
Election Day: Wednesday September 18th
Vote By Mail Application Due To County: September 11th
Ballots Mailed: Starting August 4th.
November Election (President, US Senate, and Congress)
Election Day: Tuesday November 5th
Vote By Mail Application Due to County: October 29th
Ballot Mailed: Starting September 21st.
​Have any questions on VBM? Email us at
Why Vote By Mail
It’s Private: Vote from the comfort of your own home
It’s Flexible: Allows you to take your time researching candidates and issues before marking your ballot.
It’s Accessible: Ideal for those with busy schedules or who may have difficulty getting to a polling place on election day. If life throws you an unexpected curveball, VBM ensures your vote is still cast.
It’s Safe and Secure: Your ballot is mailed directly to you and can be returned via mail or the designated drop-box at the Verona Community Center.
Apply for Vote By Mail Today!